Paint Your Pain (PYP)
Painting has been demonstrated to have a beneficial impact for people when representing their state of mind/body in a visual way, allowing them to produce an image that everybody can relate to.
Paint your Pain is a project that brings together art, engineering, and medicine to reflect on human pain.
Our project provides a better representation of pain and create a network of communication between members of the public. We ask the public to paint their pictorial representation of pain related to any illness directly or indirectly connected to the person. We are interested in analysing artworks collected by detecting differences in shapes, use of different colours, types of brush strokes, size of the drawing, etc. Each painting tells the story of different pains.
The Team
The Advisors
Upcoming Events​
This list will be extended soon.
Currently waiting for the outcome of our recent fund. Please stay tuned..

Past Events​​​
2-9Nov 2019 | Festival of Social Sciences | Southampton (UK)
19-21Jun 2019 | Art, Health and Wellbeing | Lisbon (Portugal)
26Apr 2019 | Paint Your Pain Hands_On Workshop (Public Event) | Southampton (UK)
12Apr 2019 | Paint Your Pain Seminar and Hands_On Workshop (Artists' Specific Event) | Southampton (UK)
08Apr 2019 | Pint of Science Special Event | Southampton (UK)
07Apr 2019 | World Health Day Workshops: Art for your Head & Heart!
29-30Mar 2019 | Public Engagement Conference | Wakefield (UK)
16Mar 2019 | Science and Engineering Festival (SOTSEF) | Southampton (UK)
22Feb 2019 | Paint Your Pain Hands-On Workshop (Public Event) | Oxford (UK)
21Feb 2019 | Paint Your Pain Seminar and Hands-On Workshop (Artists' Specific Event) | Oxford (UK)